This area enjoys a temperate climate and experiences a mild version of all four seasons. Most of the islands have tall mountain ranges, evergreen and deciduous forests, and ample pasture and farmland.
Golarion Reference: Andoran
Real World Reference: North America

Human, Halfling, Elf, Dwarf, Ratfolk, Ghoran, Leshy, Shoony
​​​​​​​Thurde: Sprites, Skuri

Game Master Notes:
The area between Thurde and the Isle of Luna resembles the Bermuda Triangle. Ships often vanish, and magic goes haywire. 

Some of the smaller islands west of Luna are set up as sanctuaries for unintelligent magical animals that would be exterminated in other areas. Think Jurassic Park.

The city of Deep Coast is an excellent location for sewer based adventures under the city and canal system. 

     Before the mage war, this island had well-developed cities and enjoyed a close trade relationship with Vander and Ellengris of the Capital islands. During the war, some of the most magically destructive battles were fought here. The devastation was so complete that the island is now considered uninhabitable. 

      There are stories of ships that vanished in the waters west of the island and stories of unfortunate people who found themselves stranded on the shore only to disappear and never be heard from again. These stories are so prolific that the island is generally avoided. It is possible that these stories have been encouraged by those at Thistle Academy, given that fear of sailing past Thurde creates a buffer between the Isle of Luna and the Capital Islands. 

     The Truth about the island is even more interesting than the stories circulated among trade ships. The “magical fallout” from the battles fought there has created a thin spot with the Fey Relm. Deep in the interior of the island is a thriving Fey civilization comprised of those fey who have become trapped on this side of the “veil” from the first world. They use their powers of illusion to keep others away from the island. 

     It is not commonly spoken about, but the Head Master and several facility members know the truth of Thurde. 

Principle city: Deepcoast
Government: Local Oligarchy
Resources: Seafood, Grains, Fruit, Minerals, and Ore​​​​​​​

     The city of Deepcoast spans the small channel that divides the two islands collectively known as Brineward. It serves as a gatekeeper, a bridge of sorts, between the regulated Capital Islands and the lawless Free Islands. This stark contrast in governance and societal norms adds a layer of intrigue to the city's dynamics, where politics and general society operate on two levels to maintain peace and facilitate trade. There is a sense of keeping up appearances while maintaining a dodgy underground. 

     The city boasts tall buildings and an elaborate canal system for traveling in areas where the city has been built over the water. The channel is heavily guarded and uses a complicated gate system to regulate and tax ships crossing it.

     Both halves of Brineward are covered in farms, orchards, and pastures. There are remote areas that are littered with ruins from before the mage war and areas affected by “magical fallout.”

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