The interior jungle is hazardous, and difficult to traverse leaving large areas unexplored.  Along the coast larger cities have developed by taking advantage of the white sand beaches and warm ocean.
Golarion Reference:  Mwangi Expanse
Real World Reference: Brazil, South America

Human, Halfling,  Elf, Azarketi, Goblin, Gnoll, Grippli, Iruxi, Nagaji, Vanara, Orc, Anondi, Ghoran, Goloma, Vishkanya

Game Master Notes:
There are ancient tales about the southern islands that tell of how magic was used to grow the thick jungles there by stealing the rain from the gods. There are a great number of temples around the islands. Some have been abandoned since the Mage War and have been covered over by the jungle.

Daily rain has given life to a vast number of plants and animals, and some of the most dangerous creatures inhabit these islands. The further inland you go on Nobari the more wild it gets. There are even dinosaurs! 
Principle City:  Lamra
Government: Republic
Resources: Fruit, Spices, Textiles, Jewelry, Luxury Goods, Alcohol, Lumber
Principle City: None (small family villages) 
Government:  Tribal
Resources: ​​​​​​​ Fruit, Spices, Jewelry, Luxury Goods, Alcohol

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