Death and Danger

Several generations have passed since explorers ventured beyond the "civilized waters" of the Inner Sea. Few ever returned, but stories left behind describe a ceaseless ocean expanse.

 Covered in an impregnable ice pack where the sun never rises.
Ancient maps warn of danger with detailed illustrations of boiling seas in the South where the sun never sets.
      Myths of the Western Sea tell of invisible moving reefs that tear through a ship's hull and send it down a bottomless chasm to be swallowed whole by enormous creatures lying in wait.
      Devout believers often warn that if you sail far enough into the Eastern Sea, you will reach the realm of the dead. Legends say ships become lost forever in deep black waters with no current, trapped beneath an endless gray sky with no wind and no stars to navigate by. The eternal stillness drives sailors mad with a desire to join the dead.
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