Six players is the ideal number for an adventure. They can be run with as few as four, but no more than six. The difficulty (APL), and loot budget must be adjusted accordingly if there are less than six players.    
     There are no time limits for the length of an adventure. It is recommended that no session last longer than four hours. A time estimate needs to be posted with the session listing. Sessions should end when they reach the estimated time, but games may continue if all players at the table are in agreement.

    Previously visited areas can be used again, and there can be a connected story line between multiple sessions. It should be easy enough for a new table of players to understand the story without a long recap of previous events by the GM. If you want to establish a cannon location for repeated adventures, please make a ticket and tag @captainkilljoy for setting guidance and approval.
It is important to use the setting guide to make adventures 
feel connected to the world.
Available for Tier One - Rewards gold
     Patrols are adventures that occur only on the island of Luna. This includes the town, school grounds, and outlying areas. These adventures can include one or more encounters and objectives, and do not have to include combat. Social encounters, skill challenges, solving mysteries or puzzles are all good options.
Available for all tiers - Rewards gold and gear
     Expeditions are longer adventures that can occur over multiple sessions. They are set on any of the islands, and use the Dragon Gate as a means to travel. These adventures should be a mixture of combat, skill, and social challenges. The goal is to choose a balanced party, and give everyone’s character a chance to shine.
   Using the dragon gate requires each member of the party to place an attuned rune stone into one of the six spaces on the pedestal. These stones will ensure that the six travelers are able to return. The central stone is used to activate the gate, and set the destination.
     Travelers will all touch their stones, and the gate will connect, and effectively create a dimensional door between two places. There must be a large sized doorway, hallway, or framed structure that can serve as a gate on the other end.
     The destination can be a known location that has been traveled to recently, or a completely random location. Travelers will have no way of knowing what is on the other side. They may immediately encounter extreme weather, hazardous locations, or instant attack.
   Travelers and any items they carry cannot be bigger than “Large”.
   The gate remains open and is clearly visible on both ends until the travelers return.
   If anyone other than a traveler tries to use the gate they simply pass through like its air.
   Excluding animal companions and familiars, any living thing on or in the possession of a traveler will not be able to 
         return with them. Examples: animals, insects, and living plants. Cut or picked plants and seeds are not considered alive.
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