Surrounded by warm teal blue water and white sand beaches, these islands are considered paradise. They experience a hot dry summer and an only slightly less hot winter with occasional days of intense rain.  
Golarion Reference:  Iblydos (Casmaron)
Real World Reference: Mediterranean (Ancient Greece)

Human, Halfling, Elf, Dwarf, Iruxi, Ratfolk
Game Master Notes: 
The Sage islands are tolerated by the Capital Islands only because they do not see them as a legitimate threat. They are considered radical liberals but have an acceptable dislike of magic and no military to speak of. 

There are a lot of old libraries and archives that likely contain things that survived the purging of magic. Some of the buildings in the larger cities are extremely old and contain basements, hidden rooms, and forgotten areas. 

There is a city bellow the water off the south western coast that is known, but seldom interacted with. 
Known for its radical thinkers it is often said that the smartest and dumbest people hail from Pixanthus.

Principle City: Letrini
Government: Republic
Resources: Olives, Wine, Arts, Education

Letrini is at the center of the philosophical movement where great minds gather together to discuss the nature of life and the world around them. Every topic is talked about openly and is debated at length. However little action to make change ever seems to follow. The city is a popular destination for the wealthy young people of the Capital Islands who feel their ideas are too restricted at home. 


Principle City: Kaphos, Antissa
Government: Republic
Resources: Olives, Grapes, citrus Fruits, Gold, Silver, litrature

Kaphos is the center of government for both Theodapolis and Pixanthus who function together as one nation. It is the largest city south of the capital islands and a central hub of trade. The grandeur of the city is reflected in its elaborate architecture that is adorned with lavish amounts of art work and precious metals. Attaining luxury and wealth is second only to attaining intellectual supremacy and influence. 

Antissa is a city along the western coast that is well known for its elaborate festivals and celebrations. Some describe it a place where there is a holiday everyday and the festivities only pause for people to take a nap. The atmosphere of frivolity and indulgence is all things pleasurable is countered by an extremely harsh justice system with strict laws.
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