The highland islands have the appearance of individual mountain ranges emerging from the sea. Evergreen forests and black sand beaches ring tall volcanic peaks. Two primary cultures have developed among these islands. The coastal seafaring people and those called "cloud walkers" whose cities are isolated high in the mountains.
Golarion Reference:  Lingshen (Tian Xia) 
Real World Reference: China  

Human, Halfling, Elf, Dwarf, Gnomes, Kobalds, Iruxi, Orc, Strix, Shisk

Game Master Notes:
Lots of Dragon Worship! 
This area has underground volcanic activity and lava tubes. 

The Cloud Walkers

Often targeted by other nations for harboring magical fugitives. Many communities remain well hidden and avoid contact at all costs.

Coastal Cities
Older folks hold on to traditions and desire isolation. The younger generation wants to modernize and connect with the world, especially with the capital islands. 

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