Most requests for aid from Thistle Academy reach one of the faculty members. GMs may choose whichever teacher best fits their story as a quest giver and use them as an NPC. Each has a specific area of study and unique personality traits. 
Headmaster Zoriel
Head of the Thistle Academy
Personality: Quiet and aloof with a severe countenance. He believes in self-discipline and the constant pursuit of personal improvement. 

Types of Quests: Broader world concerns and political intrigue. Safety and secrecy of the Academy and the Isle of Luna. Hunting criminals and undoing the misuse of magic.
Director Braelly
Head of Otter House and Divine Studies
Personality: She appears very rigid and strict and is known for harsh punishments for rule breakers, but anyone who has been to an Academy party knows she is a free spirit underneath who cares deeply for the students. 

Types of Quests: Humanitarian causes. Anything related to the divine. Espionage. 
Professor Brikulnork
Head of Raven House and Magical Science Department
Personality: Forgetful

Types of Quests: Magical artifact recovery. Experimenting and researching new magical knowledge. 
Professor Wizpan
Head of the Archaeology Department
Personality: He is overly excited about everything, has little regard for student safety, and refuses to teach actual classes but will talk for hours on end about the past.

Types of Quests: Responsible for dispatching students to investigate dangerous locations that might have historical and magical significance. Anything Archaeology related. 
Coach KolBorn
Head of Bear House and Athletic Department
Personality:  Big and slow and a little scary looking, but he is really just a teddy bear.

Types of Quests: Anything concerning local wildlife. Rescue and relocation of magical creatures. 
Librarian Laveau
Head of Wildcat House and Head Librarian
Personality: She seems to know something about everything and is suspicious of everyone. The moment you meet her, you get the feeling she already knows all your secrets. 

Types of Quests: Mysteries of the universe. Anything unknown and not understood. Occult and ritualistic related themes. 
Doctor Zhar
Head of the Medical Department
Personality: He is a brilliant man with a passion for healing. If only he didn't have to deal with so many stupid students doing stupid things that land them in his medical center.

Types of Quests: Gathering rare ingredients for healing potions and cures. Public health issues like plague. Researching and recovery of historical magical healing knowledge.
Professor __
Head of Magical Fabrication Department
Personality: Use a bigger hammer! 

Types of Quests: 
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